Sleeping Tips for Easing Neck and Shoulder Stress
Jill Bibo @ 2017-01-11 13:03:05 -0800
Dr. Chuck Fulanovich, founder of the Palo Alto Chiropractic Offices and Palo Alto SpineMED, Chiropractor, and a specialist in spinal biomechanics, explains that sleeping positions have a great deal to do with neck and shoulder-related stress, and shares his tips related to dealing with shoulder, neck and back stress and pain.
Need a Giant Bed?
Robin Azevedo @ 2017-01-11 12:46:16 -0800
McRoskey Mattress has recently manufactured one of the largest mattresses it has ever made. The mattress measures 108" wide x 108" long -- very large, indeed. Our staff enjoyed the challenge of handcrafting this mattress set and when it was done they decided to give it a try.
Summertime and Sleep
Jill Bibo @ 2017-01-11 12:31:44 -0800
According to the Better Sleep Council, children need at least nine hours of sleep each night to be healthy, active, and able to perform their best in school, sports and other extracurricular activities. Better Sleep Council Spokesperson and Lifestyle Expert Lissa Coffey offers the following tips to help parents ensure a good night’s sleep for their children.
What Pillow is Recommended by Chiropractors for Side Sleepers?
Jill Bibo @ 2017-01-11 12:19:25 -0800
Our neighborhood Chiropractor in Palo Alto, Chuck Fulanovich, DC, FASBE (Palo Alto Chiropractic Offices) is a specialist in spinal biomechanics. We asked him to try the The Dr. Mary Side Sleeper Pillow made at the Pillow Bar in our Palo Alto showroom. Here's what Chuck thinks of it.
Mattress Buying Demystified
Robin Azevedo @ 2017-01-11 11:53:58 -0800You spend over a third of your life in bed (or you should!). So it's worth spending the time to make sure you're choosing the right mattress and box spring for you.
According to Robin Azevedo, president of the McRoskey Mattress Company of San Francisco, buying a mattress doesn’t have to be stressful or complicated. She recommends considering these tips when shopping for a mattress.